Monday, December 15, 2008

Barnabas Bill

Flash Swiff File Podcast Demo With Images

This Flash Player was created with Sprout Builder - a free and easy way of creating flash animations for your Blogs/various social network pages, not to mention add audio easily.
It can be also adapted for imbedding your own audio player for podcast onto your web site. YES!

You simply:
1) Record your mp3 using Garage Band for Macs or Audacity for PCs
2) Pull your mp3 it into Sprout Builder
3) Add a still image or slide show like the one above.

The song featured here are my own creations using Garage Band, iDrum software, and also a keyboard hooked up via midi connections through a box called TASCAM. All the junk works pretty fluidly together.

Song titles from top to bottom: 1) MJ2009 2) 2009 Leagues 3) Winter Crickets 4) Rajsta

*One troubleshooting item: If it is taking a while for the audio to load, simply click on the title of the specific entry/podcast - in this case "Flash Swiff File Podcast Demo With Images." That loads the article and player into it's separate page where the audio works perfectly!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

This title was created using LiveType.